Political debates are the name of the game these days. They’re there headlining every news media. All the while though another debate less publicized continues to circulate among Christians. Evolution vs. Creation. Thankfully, a large percentage of Christians still argue on the side of Creation. A good sign, conservative Christians may think. After all, aren’t we giving due credence to our Creator? Yet I wonder if perhaps a problem still exists with it. Because though we Christian women claim that we believe in Creation with our words — often by our actions we appear to be taking the other side. We all at times “make a monkey of ourselves.” But what I’m referring to is our tendency to “evolve.”
Our friend, Webster, says evolution is “a theory that the various types of animal and plants have their origin in other preexisting types, and that the distinguishable differences are due to changes in successive generations.” The thought of course is that each generation of species become better and better. Obvious to any thinking person such an idea is false. Yet maybe in truth this definition should be used to describe we as Christians. Isn’t our origin in another preexisting Type — Jesus Christ? And should not our distinguishable differences be due to changes in successive generations? After all we are to be different due to successive generations because we’re told in Scripture to “…teach these things to our children and to our children’s children….” We ought to be learning from earlier generations’ mistakes. Instead of “evolving” into the likeness of the world’s ways, we should be “growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord.”
But in looking around at what Christian women often choose to dress themselves in and in the behavioral patterns we don as a result — we often do make a monkey of ourselves. So which side of the debate are we really on when in our words, actions (including the way we dress) and behavior give huge points to the Evolution crowd? Let’s score for Creation by being distinguishably different — gracefully modest in everything we do!
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